Gene expression analysis using RFDD. Identification of differentially
expressed genes in RV-infected mouse brain was performed as described
in Materials and Methods. A is a
pictorial representation shown as a GenePies chart with each spot
corresponding to each gene. The expression level in each spot/gene is
reflected by the size of the GenePies, i.e., spots with large
intensities are shown as large pies, whereas spots with intensities
close to the background level are very small. White and dark colors of
each pie show the ratio of control to noncontrol expression levels.
Up-regulation of ApoD at days 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 p.i. (indicated by
the arrow in A) was further assessed by Northern
hybridization (B). Relative expression levels of ApoD
mRNA (C) were determined as described in the legend to
Fig. 1.