Migration defects of cerebellar cortical neurons in p35−/− mice are
accentuated by Dab1 heterozygosity. Comparative histology of cerebella
of Dab1yot/+ (A and B),
p35−/− (E and F), and
p35−/−Dab1yot/+ (C, D,
G, and H) at P21 in the parasagittal
sections stained with toluidine blue
(A–D) and with anti-IP3R
antibody (E–H). B,
D, F, and H are higher
magnifications of A, C, E,
and G, respectively. Arrows in E and
G indicate magnified areas in F and
H, respectively. Subtle disturbances of the alignment of
Purkinje cells are observed in p35−/− (arrows in F).
Extensive migration defects of Purkinje cells and granule cells are
observed in p35−/−Dab1yot/+ compared with p35−/−
cerebellum (D, G, and H).
(Bar in A, 1 mm. A, C,
E, and G are identical magnification. Bar
in B, 200 μm.)