Expression of Gly and GABA receptors by embryonic mRNAs. The columns
represent the amplitude of membrane currents elicited by Gly or GABA
(both 1 mM) in oocytes injected with mRNA from 18-day-old rat embryo
encephalon, midbrain, or brainstem. (Inset)
Representative Gly-currents. For this and subsequent figures, the
downward deflections correspond to inward currents, the membrane
potential was held at −60 mV (unless otherwise indicated), and Gly was
applied as indicated by a continuous line and by brief depolarizing
pulses. Each column represents the mean + SEM. The number of oocytes
studied (from five donors) were 26, 43, and 18 (Gly-currents), and 26,
10, and 36 (GABA-currents) for encephalon, midbrain, and brainstem
mRNAs, respectively.