Figure 3.
Tumor stage–adjusted survival (Cox regression analysis) by resection status in patients with adrenocortical carcinoma in Germany (1998–2009, n = 180);
patients in stage IV and patients with damage to the tumor capsule were excluded.
Patients with R2 resection were not analyzed because of the low case numbers (n = 6).
R0 = microscopically complete resection (n = 149)
R1 = microscopically verifiable tumor residue (n = 16); hazard ratio for death compared to R0 group 3.3; (95% confidence interval: 1.8–6.0; p<0,01)
Rx = no statement about resection status made (n = 19); hazard ratio for death compared to R0 group 2.3; (95% confidence interval: 1.07–5.2; p = 0,03)