(A) Experimental timeline for the conditioned place preference (CPP) experiment (Exp 1). Following a baseline preference (probe) test (BL), rats (n = 8) had alternating nightly access to running wheels or locked wheels for 6 weeks. During CPP training, wheel running was paired (30 minutes) with one side of the chamber and the absence of wheel running was paired with the opposite side on alternating mornings. Ten minute CPP probe tests occurred following 2 (probe test A) or 6 (probed test B) weeks of CPP training. Following probe test B at the end of the 6th week of wheel running, wheels were locked and rats underwent extinction training during which rats were exposed to the paired side, in the absence of running, daily for 30 minutes / day. A probe test occurred 24 hr following the final extinction training trial (probe test C). (B) Preference (± standard error of measurement) for the side of the CPP chamber paired with wheel running observed during the 10 minute probe tests. *p < .05 compared to all other groups.