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. 2011 Jan 2;2011:348765. doi: 10.1155/2011/348765

Table 1.

Overview of spontaneous or induced mouse models showing motor neuron degeneration.

Name Mutated gene Gene product Inheritance Human disease Reference
Wobbler VPS54 Subunit of the GARP complex recessive NA [19]
Nmd IGHMBP2 Immunoglobulin μ-binding protein 2 recessive SMARD1 [20]
Pmn TBCE tubulin-specific chaperone E recessive motor neuropathy HRD/SSS [21]
Loa DYNC1H1 dynactin dominant sensory neuropathy [22]
Cra DYNC1H1 dynactin dominant sensory neuropathy [23]

SMARD: spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress, HRD: hypoparathyroidism-retardation dysmorphism syndrome, SSS: Sanjad-Sakati syndrome, and NA: not available.