1 |
TtW |
Time to Walk 25 m at comfort speed |
2 |
NbStep |
Number of step to walk 25 m |
3 |
StepFreq |
Frequency of the Steps |
4 |
VarStep |
variation of the step period |
5-14 |
MF |
Median Frequency (sensors 1-10) |
15-24 |
SpecEnt |
Spectral entropy (sensors 1-10) |
25 |
CorrArmLeg |
Correlation between Arm and Leg |
26 |
ApEn |
Approximate entropy for sensor 1 |
27-36 |
M3 |
Third momentum (sensors 1-10) |
37-46 |
Ma |
Peakedness (sensors 1-10) |
47 |
FreqPeakX1 |
Abscise of the 1st freq. peak (left leg) |
48 |
FreqPeakX2 |
Abscise of the 2d freq. peak (left leg) |
49 |
FreqPeakY1 |
Ordinate of the 1st freq. peak (left leg) |
50 |
FreqPeakY2 |
Ordinate of the 2d freq. peak (left leg) |
51 |
Size |
Size (height) of the patients in m |
52 |
Norm. Time |
TtW/Size |
53 |
Norm. NbStep |
NbStep*Size |
54 |
Norm. StepFreq |
StepFreq*Size |
55 |
ArmCorr |
Correlation between both elbows |
56 |
ArmDynL |
Dynamic of the Left Arm signal |
57 |
ArmDynR |
Dynamic of the Right Arm signal |
58-67 |
NJ |
Approx. Normalized Jerk (sensors 1-10) |