Figure 5.
The folded site frequency spectra. Folded site frequency spectra of minor SNP alleles at silent and replacement positions in the A and B genomes, Td (A) and Td (B) respectively, in a sample of 10 homozygous accessions of wild emmer (T. dicoccoides). Each homozygous accession is equivalent to one chromosome. The plot depicts numbers of SNPs with the minor allele being observed in an indicated number of sampled chromosomes. (B) The folded site frequency spectrum of minor SNP alleles at the silent and replacement positions in the A, B, and D genomes, Ta (A), Ta (B), and Ta (D), respectively, in a sample of 13 homozygous accessions of T. aestivum. Each homozygous accession is equivalent to one chromosome. The plot depicts numbers of SNPs with the minor allele being observed in an indicated number of sampled chromosomes.