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. 2010 Mar 4;6(1):38–47. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsq001

Table 3.

MNI Coordinates for brain ROIs showing activation in response to correlation of SPS residual with minor less major changes in visual scenes

Cluster location Hemisphere BA Cluster size MNI coordinates
(voxels) x y z
    Supramarginal gyrus R 40 60 56 −56 32 5.71 0.84
    Inferior parietal lobule 54 −52 40 3.84 0.72
    Superior temporal gyrus R 22 185 62 −42 16 4.93 0.80
58 −46 6 3.93 0.72
66 −40 4 2.95 0.62
Intraparietal sulcus/TOS
    Superior occipital gyrus R 19 155 34 −72 28 4.96 0.80
    Precuneus 40 −74 38 3.33 0.66
    SPL R 7 130 26 −62 62 4.48 0.77
    SPL 16 −66 62 2.83 0.60
    Precuneus 12 −64 54 3.52 0.69
    Inferior parietal lobule R 40 355 42 −50 52 4.93 0.80
40 −38 52 3.54 0.69
34 −46 56 3.18 0.65
Middle frontal gyrus R 6 380 28 2 54 3.77 0.71
36 8 48 3.21 0.71
42 6 56 2.88 0.61
Middle frontal gyrus R 6 33 38 0 42 4.68 0.78
38 10 48 3.33 0.66

FDR = 0.05. Activation at 25 or more voxels. TPJ, tempero-parietal cortical junction; SPL, superior parietal lobule; TOS, transverse occipital sulcus.