Figure 1. Time course of E. coli [BL21-Codon Plus(DE3)-RIL carrying pMAL-p2E] cells grown in 250-mL conical shaker flasks (225 rpm) at 30°C on 50 mL media of different composition.
(●) Auto-induction medium with amino acid mixture I [all 20 amino acids except cysteine (Cys) and Trp] without added glyphosate. (◊) Auto-induction medium with glyphosate (1 g/L), amino acid mixture I, and Trp (200 µg/L). (■) Auto-induction medium with glyphosate (1 g/L), amino acid mixture I, 6F-Trp (316 mg/L), and Trp (50 µg/L). (▲) Auto-induction medium with glyphosate (1 g/L), amino acid mixture I, and 6F-Trp (316 mg/L). (×) Auto-induction medium with glyphosate (1 g/L), amino acid mixture I, and Tyr (200 µg/L). (∗) Auto-induction medium with glyphosate (1 g/L), amino acid mixture II (all 20 amino acids except for Cys, Trp, and Tyr), and Trp (200 µg/L). (+) Kim et al. (5) medium (with IPTG induction) containing glyphosate and 6F-Trp.