Fig. 6.
Increase in sarcolemmal KATP channel density in ventricular myocytes isolated from ischemic rat hearts. A and B: ventricular myocytes were isolated from nonischemic or ischemic rat hearts and subjected to whole cell patch clamping with a ramp protocol. A: representative current trace is depicted. The maximal KATP channel current was estimated as the steady-state peak current after dinitrophenol (DNP) application. The dotted line indicates 0 current. B: current-voltage relationships of current densities before (circles) and after (squares) DNP application for cells in the nonischemic (filled symbols; n = 21) and ischemic (open symbols; n = 22) groups (left and right ventricular myocyte data were pooled). *P < 0.05. C: real-time RT-PCR analysis of indicted channel subunit mRNA expression in cardiac myocytes at 0 and 4 h after isolation from nonischemic (control) and ischemic hearts. Data (means ± SE) are expressed relative to housekeeping genes. Primer sequences are in the online supplement (Table S1).