Fig. 7.
Nonstimulation allows faster recovery after a weak preconditioning tetanus. A and B: normalized peak amplitude of AMPAR-mediated fEPSPs evoked by stimulation of 2 independent pathways with bipolar electrodes placed on Schaffer collaterals. After acquiring a stable baseline, a weak preconditioning tetanus was delivered to both pathways (Weak tet = 4 stimuli at 30 Hz, 6 times every 2 min). Immediately after the weak tetanus, 1 pathway was suspended for 5 (A, ●; n = 8) or 20 min (B, ●; n = 10). Control pathways were constantly stimulated at the regular rate of 0.1 Hz (○). Immediately after the nonstimulation period, a stronger tetanus was delivered to both pathways (Tet = 10 stimuli at 30 Hz). *P < 0.05 Student's t-test.