A, HDAC 2 and 3 do not associate with PARP-14 in the presence of NAD. The indicated c-Myc-tagged PARP-14 variants were coexpressed with FLAG-tagged HDAC 2 or 3 in 283T cells. The resultant extracts were immunoprecipitated with anti-c-Myc and divided equally. One portion was treated with NAD and the other was left untreated as indicated. After the completion of the PARP reaction the immunoprecipitate was washed thoroughly and probed with the indicated antibodies. B, disassociation of HDAC 2 and 3 from Stat6-responsive promoters upon IL-4 stimulation requires PARP catalytic activity. M12 cells were treated with PJ34 and IL-4 as indicated, and HDAC 2 and 3 ChIPs were performed as indicated in Fig. 3C.