Summary of the salicylate-dependent NLC measurements. The salicylate-dependent NLC recording exemplified in Fig. 2 was performed on 15 OHCs. The NLC parameters determined by the three-state and the two-state-Csa models are summarized. All bars indicate the S.D. A, shown is a reaction scheme of chloride/salicylate binding to prestin according to the competitive inhibition model. P stands for prestin. Sal, salicylate. The fraction of functional prestin that remains after application of salicylate is calculated by the displayed equation. B, inhibition of prestin-dependent charge movement by 1.5 mm salicylate is shown. The broken line indicates the prestin activity that is expected to remain (25%, see “Results”). C, shown is a summary of the basal linear capacitance increment induced by salicylate. pF, picofarads. D and E, a summary of salicylate-induced Vpk shift is shown. F, a summary of salicylate-induced change in α is shown.