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. 2010 Dec 30;29(1):172. doi: 10.1186/1756-9966-29-172

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Electrophoretic mobility shift sssays (EMSA) of c-Myb binding to OPN promoter and transient transfection analysis of OPN promoter activity. (A). EMSA were performed using nuclear extract prepared from SMMC-7721 and HCCLM6 cells. Assays utilized a labeled probe of 25-nt fragment containing the area of c-Myb binding site in the OPN promoter or a mutant form of the c-Myb binding site (c-Myb-binding site TAACGG was mutated to TATCGG). The blot was representative of three experiments. (B) To confirm the role of c-Myb in the increased OPN protein expression in HCCLM6 cells, Human OPN promoter (-1488 to +185 nt) was cloned into the pGL3-basic luciferase reporter vector. The OPN promoter reporter constructs were transfected into HCCLM6 cells. In certain instances, c-Myb siRNA or scramble siRNA was co-transfected. Luciferase activity was normalized to that of β-galactosidase activity. Data are presented as means ± SD of three experiments. (*P < 0.05, c-Mb siRNA-treated group vs. scramble siRNA group).