Quantitative RT-PCR. (A) Gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR
products of either wild-type (left lanes) or
KAT1∷En-1 (right lanes) guard cell protoplast mRNA
(positive signals only); representative of n = 3
experiments. Fragments were cloned and sequenced for verification.
Notice that KAT1 transcripts are also detectable in the
KAT1∷En-1. Fragment length are for
KAT1 = 379 bp, KAT2 = 392 bp,
AKT1 = 347 bp, AKT2/3 = 353 bp,
AtKC1 = 373 bp, and AtGORK =
496 bp. (B) Quantification of K+ channel
transcripts by external standards relative to actin in different guard
cell protoplast preparations of wild-type (WT) and
KAT1∷En-1 (EN; n = 3 ±
SD). The figure shows the calculated amount of cDNA molecules in the
individual probes. KAT1 expression in the
KAT1∷En-1 compared with the wild type is about