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. 2011 Jan 8;5:2. doi: 10.1186/1752-2897-5-2

Table 4.

Comparison of associated injuries between the subsets of patients of the PFx group and the control group, who had an ISS of less than 75 and were classified as potentially preventable deaths. Associated severe injuries were significantly more common in the PFx group than in the control group.

Injuries: Anatomic Region,
(AIS-90 codes)
PFx group Control group After adjustment for age, gender, intention, and height of fall p-value

n % n % OR† 95% CI
Total number of patients analysed 163 100 695 100

Head, (1.*.**.**.*), (AIS1-5) 112 68.7 575 82.7 0.42 0.28-0.63 < 0.001

Brain, (1.4.**.**.*), (AIS3-5) 92 56.4 535 77.0 0.33 0.23-0.49 < 0.001

Skull, (1.5.**.**.*), (AIS2-4) 47 28.8 393 56.6 0.27 0.18-0.40 < 0.001

Thorax, (4.*.**.**.*), (AIS1-5) 145 89.0 278 40.0 10.54 6.25-17.79 < 0.001

Thoracic wall, (4.5.**.**.*), (AIS2-5) 137 84.1 232 33.4 9.36 5.94-14.76 < 0.001

Thoracic viscera, (4.4.**.**.*), (AIS2-5) 99 60.7 129 18.6 5.90 4.01-8.66 < 0.001

Thoracic vessels (4.2.**.**.*), (AIS2-5) 28 17.2 36 5.2 3.47 2.00-6.02 < 0.001

Abdominal, (5.*.**.**.*), (AIS1-5) 117 71.8 145 20.9 8.36 5.54-12.59 < 0.001

Abdominal/pelvic viscera, (5.4.**.**.*), (AIS1-5) 112 68.7 123 17.7 9.07 6.03-13.66 < 0.001

Liver, (5.4.18.**.*), (AIS2-5) 76 46.6 78 11.2 5.83 3.86-8.79 < 0.001

Spleen, (5.4.42.**.*), (AIS2-5) 57 35.0 70 10.1 4.21 2.74-6.47 < 0.001

Gastrointestinal tract, (5.4.44.**.*, 5.4.10.**.*, 5.4.14.**.*, 5.4.08.**.*, 5.4.36.**.*), (AIS2-5) 3 1.8 8 1.2 1.16 0.29-4.56 0.834

Abdominal vessels, (5.2.**.**.*), (AIS2-5) 0 0.0 1 0.1 Cannot be estimated

Diaphragm, (4.4.06.**.*), (AIS2-3) 5 3.1 6 0.9 2.57 0.75-8.83 0.133

Kidney, (5.4.16.**.*), (AIS2-5) 38 23.3 31 4.5 5.17 3.04-8.82 < 0.001

Bladder, (5.4.06.**.*), (AIS2-4) 0 0.0 1 0.1 Cannot be estimated

Genitourinary tract, (5.4.48.**.*, 5.4.06.**.*, 5.4.50.**.*, 5.4.52.**.*, 5.4.34.**.*, 5.4.56.**.*, 5.4.54.**.*,
5.4.30.**.*, 5.4.46.**.*), (AIS1-5)
5 3.1 2 0.3 11.64 2.08-65.0 0.005

Perineum, (5.4.32.**.*), (AIS1-3) 2 1.2 1 0.1 7.77 0.60-100.0 0.116

Spine, (6.**.**.*.*), (AIS2-5) 45 27.6 98 14.1 2.40 1.57-3.65 < 0.001

Cervical spine, (6.3.02.**.*, 6.4.02.**.*, 6.5.02.**.*), (AIS2-5) 30 18.4 77 11.1 2.11 1.30-3.43 0.003

Thoracic spine, (6.3.04.**.*, 6.4.04.**.*, 6.5.04.**.*), (AIS2-5) 18 11.0 25 3.6 2.90 1.50-5.62 0.002

Lumbar spine, (6.3.06.**.*, 6.4.06.**.*, 6.5.06.**.*), (AIS2-5) 3 1.8 5 0.7 2.79 0.62-12.55 0.182

Upper extremities, (7.*.**.**.*), (AIS1-3) 102 62.6 279 40.1 2.07 1.44-2.99 < 0.001

Upper limb skeletal trauma, (7.5.**.**.*), (AIS1-3) 59 36.2 105 15.1 2.77 1.87-4.11 < 0.001

Humerus, (7.5.26.**.*), (AIS2-3) 29 17.8 37 5.3 3.37 1.96-5.81 < 0.001

Forearm, (7.5.28.**.*, 7.5.32.**.*), (AIS2-3) 29 17.8 23 3.3 5.79 3.17-10.57 < 0.001

Lower extremities, (8.*.**.**.*), (AIS1-5) 114 69.9 271 39.0 3.15 2.16-4.60 < 0.001

Lower limb skeletal trauma, (8.5.**.**.* besides pelvis: 8.5.26.**.*, 8.5.28.**.*, 8.5.30.**.*), (AIS1-3) 162 99.4 120 17.3 762.6 105.3-5525 < 0.001

Femur, (8.5.18.**.*), (AIS2-3) 45 27.6 74 10.7 3.20 2.06-4.97 < 0.001

Tibia, (8.5.34.**.*, 8.5.16.**.*), (AIS1-3) 38 23.3 38 5.5 4.44 2.68-7.36 < 0.001

Acetabulum-hip, (8.5.06.**.*,, (AIS1-2) 4 2.5 3 0.4 5.63 1.15-27.65 0.033

Foot fracture, (8.5.02.**.*, 8.5.04.**.*, 8.5.10.**.*, 8.5.12.**.*, 8.5.14.**.*, 8.5.20.**.*, 8.5.22.**.*, 8.5.32.**.*, 8.5.36.**.*), (AIS1-2) 8 4.9 8 1.2 3.48 1.24-9.79 0.018

Calcaneus fracture, (, (AIS2) 3 1.8 1 0.1 11.80 1.14-121.9 0.038

*The asterisks that follow the AIS-90 codes indicate that the complete range of injuries was included. Injuries are ranked on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being minor, 2 moderate, 3 serious, 4 severe, 5 critical, and 6 not compatible with life injury.

§PFx group versus control group.

AIS-90, Abbreviated Injury Scale - 1990 revision; OR, odds ratio; PFx, pelvic fractures.