Fig. 2.
Kokanee, eagle, Mysis, lake trout, and bull trout abundance history in Flathead Lake. Data are annual peak numbers of kokanee spawners from Flathead Lake and bald eagles (from weekly eagle and biweekly kokanee spawner counts) at the McDonald Creek index site, lake trout catches (mean catch per unit effort for standardized net sets; note the near detection numbers for 1981 and 1983, no sampling was done in 1982 and 1984–1991), and bull trout redd counts of adfluvial spawners (total annual numbers obtained in standardized, annual census of a suite of spawning streams upstream from Flathead Lake) plotted in relation to abundance of Mysis (mean numbers per m2 with 95% confidence intervals from standardized, annual census at 40 sites lake-wide). To obtain specific densities from the figure, the values shown must be multiplied or divided as indicated in the legend. Bull trout catches in standardized gill net sets declined from one to two fish per net before mysids to less than 0.5 per net after mysids. Updated from Spencer et al. (24).