Schematic contour plot of an energy surface showing an initial state minimum, R, and five possible final state minima, P1–P5. Maxima are denoted with filled circles, and saddle points are denoted by ×. In the harmonic approximation (the case illustrated here), the dividing surfaces are hyperplanar segments containing a first-order saddle point and oriented with the normal pointing along the unstable mode. (A) A reactive classical trajectory requires impossibly long simulations of vibrations in the initial state until a transition is observed (blue line). (B) In the WKE procedure, a short trajectory containing the essential information is generated in the following way. A statistical estimate is made of the time needed to reach a point (denoted by an open blue circle) in the transition state, a short trajectory from that point forward in time is generated to determine the final state (blue line), and a short trajectory backward in time is generated to verify that it originated in the initial state (red line); otherwise, a new trajectory is generated. The configuration space is partitioned into subspaces by dividing surfaces (straight red lines), and long time-scale simulation using the adaptive kinetic Monte Carlo (AKMC) method tracks the advance of the system from one subspace to another.