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. 2010 Dec 10;30(2):439–449. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2010.321

Table 1. Electron crystallographic data.

Plane group p22121
Unit-cell dimensions a=81 Å, b=103 Å, γ=90°
Number of imagesa 74
Resolution in planeb 7 Å
Resolution in z directionb 15 Å
Total no. of observationsc 7475
No. of unique observations 1494
Overall weighted R-factor (%)c 0.297
Overall weighted phase errorc 17.8°
aDistribution of tilt angles: 15 (0°), 14 (20°), 17 (30°), 28 (45°).  
bAs calculated from the point-spread function of the experimental data.  
cFrom program LATLINEK.