Figure 2.
Partial colocalization of caspase-8 and A-SMase with TNF receptosomes. (A) Merged confocal microscopic images of HeLa cells labelled with biotin-TNF/FITC-avidin complexes (green) and anti-cleaved capase-8 monoclonal antibody (red) at indicated times of TNF-receptor internalization. Colocalization of TNF receptor and cleaved caspase-8 is indicated in yellow (see arrows). (B) Partial colocalization (yellow, see arrows) of endogenous A-SMase (red) and TNF receptosomes (green), and (C) partial colocalization (yellow, see arrows) of endogenous A-SMase (red) and caspase-8 (green) as well as (D) recombinant HA-tagged A-SMase (red) and cleaved caspase-8 (green) at several time points after TNF-receptor internalization.