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. 2011 Jan 31;61(583):e72–e80. doi: 10.3399/bjgp11X556227
GP register GP required to register
Gatekeeper GP takes a gatekeeper role for referrals
Small practices Small practice percentage (less than two full-time equivalents)
EMR Proportion using electronic medical record in practice (% yes)
Highly electronic Highly electronic function in practice
Low function Low function of electronic support systems
After hours After-hours arrangement without recourse to accident and emergency (% yes)
Difficult paying Doctors report patients have difficulty paying for medication (% often)
Difficulty ordering tests Doctors report patients have difficulty getting specialised diagnostic tests (% often)
Long waits Doctors report patients have long waits to see a specialist (% often)
Time due to restrictions Time spent getting treatments due to insurance/coverage restrictions (% major problem)
Guidance for diabetes Practice routinely used written guidance for diabetes
Guidance for depression Practice routinely used written guidance for depression
Non-physicians Practice uses non-physicians to manage care
Written Written instructions routinely given for managing chronic conditions at home
Meds list Practice give patients written list of medications (% routinely)
High satisfaction Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on high satisfaction
High targets Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on achieving clinical targets
Chronic dis Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on managing chronic disease
Preventive Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on preventive care
Non-physicians added Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on adding non-physicians to practice
Non-face-to-face Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on non-face-to-face interactions with patients
Incentives Doctor receives extra financial support/incentive based on any incentives
Clinical outcomes Practice routines reviews data on clinical outcomes
Patient experience Practice routines reviews data on patient experience
Reviews Doctors performances reviewed against targets at least annually
Compared Practice's clinical performance compared with other practices (% routinely)
AES Practice has process for identifying adverse events and taking action
Time wasted Time spent reporting clinical information or meeting regulations (% major problem)