Figure 3.
Atom transition networks and positional fractional labeling for selected glucose and glutamine tracers. Fractional labeling is indicated by a colormap, where dark red indicates all atoms at that position are 13C and dark blue that all atoms are 12C. No natural labeling was assumed in the creation of these maps. Atom transitions are indicated for all positions where fractional 13C labeling exceeds 10%. (A) [2]Gluc effectively characterizes glycolytic and PPP fluxes because DHAP (and by extension GLP) is labeled in multiple positions by different combinations of fluxes, leading to greater measurement sensitivity. (B) [4]Gluc poorly identifies fluxes in glycolysis and the PPP because its sole labeled carbon is caught in a cycle and can only reach the 1st carbon of DHAP. (C and D) [3,4]Gln and [4]Gln are both able to label a majority of the carbon atoms in the TCA cycle; however, the two labeled atoms in the former lead to larger, clearer measurements and therefore more precises fluxes.