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. 2011 Jan 10;108(1-2):11–22. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2011.0011

Table 1. The frequency of target diseases for neonatal screening among neonates in Germany, 2005–2008 (16).

Diseases Verified cases2005–2008*1 Frequency Diagnostic markers / methods Urgency of intervention
Hypothyroidism 699 1 : 3947 TSH/immunochemistry B
Adrenogenital syndrome (AGS) 216 1 : 12771 17-OH-progesterone/immunochemistry C
Inborn metabolic defects
Biotinidase deficiency 111 1 : 24853 Activity/enzymatic E
Galactosemia 37 1 : 74558 Galactose and GALT activity/enzymatic A
Phenylketonuria (PKU) andhyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) 494 1 : 5584 Phenylalanine and Phe/Tyr quotient /TMS D
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) 17 1 : 162273 Leucine/isoleucine and valine/TMS A
Fatty acid oxidation defects
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD) 260 1 : 10610 Octanoylcarnitine/TMS D
Long-chain 3-OH-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHAD) 13 1 : 212202 Hydroxyhexadecanoylcarnitine andhydroxyoleylcarnitine/TMS A
Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenasedeficiency (VLCAD) 31 1 : 88988 Tetradecanoyl- and tetradecadienoylcarnitine/ TMS A
Carnitine cycle defects
Carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPT-I) deficiency 5 1 : 551727 Palmitoylcarnitine (↓) and free carnitine/TMS E
Carnitine palmitoyl transferase II (CPT-II) deficiency 3 1 : 919544 Long-chain acylcarnitines/TMS A
Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase (CAT) deficiency 0 Long-chain acylcarnitines/TMS A
Glutaraciduria type I (GA I) 22 1 : 125392 Glutarylcarnitine/TMS E
Isovaleric acidemia (IVA) 24 1 : 114943 Isovalerylcarnitine/TMS A
Total 1932 1 : 1428

*1Data from DGNS Screening Reports, 2005–2008 (a total of 2758633 children were screened).

For a detailed description of the screening tests and screening laboratories, see the DGNS Screening Reports (16).

A: Acute, life-threatening danger: immediate hospitalization in a primary treatment center for verification of the finding, confirmatory testing, and initiation of treatment, if indicated. For galactosemia screening, procedure A is indicated if the GALT activity is under 10%, but only when artefacts have been judged to be unlikely and the galactose level is simultaneously elevated.

B: If the TSH level exceeds 50 µU/mL, immediate outpatient presentation to a primary treatment center for the drawing of a blood sample to check the finding, and then immediate initiation of treatment with L-thyroxine, 10–15 µg/kg (17). If the TSH level is below 50 µU/mL, presentation to a primary treatment center for confirmatory testing and initiation of treatment, if indicated.

C: If the 17-OH-progesterone level is mildly elevated and/or confounding effects are present, the finding should be rechecked at once with another sample; if markedly elevated, immediate presentation to a primary treatment center for rechecking, confirmatory testing, determination of sodium and potassium levels, blood gas analysis, and renin concentration, and immediate initiation of treatment and counseling, if indicated.

D: Immediate outpatient presentation to a primary treatment center for rechecking, confirmatory testing, clinical chemistry test series, counseling, and initiation of treatment.

E: First, a blood sample is drawn to recheck the finding. If a pathological finding is confirmed, an outpatient appointment in a primary treatment center is scheduled as soon as possible for confirmation of the diagnosis and early initiation of treatment, on an inpatient basis if necessary. If glutaraciduria type I is suspected, a blood sample should be drawn before and after the administration of carnitine.