Molecular markers of interactions
(A) Representative blots for mhDISC1, endogenous DISC1 (eDISC1) and GSK-3β from cortical samples collected at P2;
(B) Prenatal immune activation significantly increased levels of mhDISC1, n=6–7 samples per group, * denotes p<0.05 vs. saline-treated mhDISC1 mice;
(C) Prenatal immune activation significantly decreased levels of endogenous DISC1 in mhDISC1 mice, n=6–7 samples per group, # denotes p<0.05 vs. saline-treated mutant mice;
(D) Prenatal stimulation significantly decreased levels of GSK-3β in control mice but not in mhDISC1 mice, n=6–7 samples per group, * denotes p<0.05 vs. saline-treated control mice.