Inducibility, Tissue Specificity, and Dynamics of TPI Accumulation in S. nigrum.
(A) Mean ± se TPI concentration in leaves 48 h after different elicitor treatments (n = 4 biological replicates). C, control; W, mechanical wounds treated with water, regurgitate (R) of M. sexta larvae, ethephone (Eth), or salicylic acid (SA); MeJA, MeJA in lanolin paste.
(B) Mean ± se TPI concentration in different aboveground tissues of control and MeJA-treated plants 48 h after induction (n = 3, pooled from nine plants). FM, fresh mass.
(C) and (D) Mean ± se TPI accumulation in local and systemic leaves after a single induction with either W+R (C) or MeJA (D) (n = 5). Untreated control samples were taken after 0 h, 3 d, and 7 d. The inset shows the position of the locally elicited leaf and the harvested systemic leaf, one node above the local.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]