Figure 2.
gtl1 Plants Have Reduced Transpiration and Improved Integrated WUE.
(A) to (C) Diurnal transpiration rate (A) and light period water loss (B) of 5-week-old wild-type (Col-0) and gtl1 plants grown under a 10-h diurnal photoperiod was gravimetrically determined (mean ± se, n = 4). Shoot dry weight (C) was measured at the completion of the experiment (mean ± se, n = 4).
(D) Integrated WUE of wild-type and gtl1 plants under water-sufficient conditions was calculated from gravimetric measurements of water loss and shoot dry weight over a period of 6 weeks (mean ± se, n = 12 to 16). In (B) to (D), asterisks indicate that mean values of gtl1 plants are significantly different from the wild type at *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.01.