Figure 1.
Molecular characterization of the Wfs1(+) and Pvalb(+) cells. (A) Allen Mouse Brain Atlas ISH data depicting Wfs1 gene expression compared with the tdTomato ISH pattern in the Wfs1-Tg2-CreERT2 line. (B,C) Wfs1(+) specific tdTomato expression is enriched in layer 2/3 and is Gad1(−). dFISH shows Gad1(+) cells in red and tdTomato expressing cells in green. The area boxed in (B) is enlarged in (C). (D) Immunohistochemical characterization of Wfs1(+) – tdTomato labeled (native fluorescence) using NeuN antibodies (Alexa 488 conjugated secondary) in a Wfs1(+) mouse crossed with Ai9 reporter mouse. (E) dFISH characterization with probes for Synapsin I and tdTomato genes in Wfs1(+) – Ai9 mouse. Superficial layer on the top in both (D,E). Area marked with dotted square on the merged image in (D,E) is shown enlarged in the subsequent image to the right. (F,G,H) Pvalb(+) cell population in superficial layers is Gad1(+). dFISH shows Gad1 (red) and tdTomato (green) expression pattern (F,G), and tdTomato (red), Pvalb (green) expression (H). The area boxed in (F) is enlarged in (G).