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. 2010 Nov 1;79(2):562–570. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00651-10


Peptidoglycan modifications and their effects

Peptidoglycan modification and genea Species Phenotype Citation
O-acetylation of MurNAc in Gram-positive bacteriab
    oatA Staphylococcus aureus Lysozyme resistance Bera et al. (5)
Resistance to macrophage killing Shimada et al. (72)
Limits host cytokine responses Shimada et al. (72)
    oatA (63) Enterococcus faecalis Lysozyme resistance Hébert et al. (30)
Intracellular survival within macrophages Hébert et al. (30)
    oatA (58) Lactococcus lactis Lysozyme resistance Veiga et al. (79)
Upregulated during envelope stress Veiga et al. (79)
    adr (52) Streptococcus pneumoniae Lysozyme resistance Crisóstomo et al. (15)
Penicillin resistance Crisóstomo et al. (15)
Virulence factor Davis et al. (16)
O-acetylation of MurNAc in Gram-negative bacteriab
    pacA/pacB Neisseria gonorrhoeae Lysozyme resistance Dillard and Hackett (18)
Resistance to autolysis Dillard and Hackett (18)
    pacA/pacB (97) Neisseria meningitidis Lysozyme resistance Dillard and Hackett (18)
Resistance to autolysis Dillard and Hackett (18)
N-deacetylation of GlcNAc
    pgdA Streptococcus pneumoniae Lysozyme resistance Vollmer and Tomasz (83)
Virulence factor Vollmer et al. (82)
    pgdA (53) Enterococcus faecalis Lysozyme resistance Hébert et al. (30)
    pgdA (21) Helicobacter pylori Lysozyme resistance Wang et al. (85)
Upregulated during oxidative stress Wang et al. (85)
    pgdA (60) Listeria monocytogenes Lysozyme resistance Boneca et al. (6)
Limits host cytokine responses Boneca et al. (6)
Intracellular survival within macrophages Boneca et al. (6)
Upregulated during infection Camejo et al. (7)
    pgdA (70) Streptococcus suis Lysozyme resistance Fittipaldi et al. (21)
Resistance to neutrophil killing Fittipaldi et al. (21)
Promotes host cytokine responses Fittipaldi et al. (21)
Upregulated during incubation with neutrophils Fittipaldi et al. (21)
N-glycolylation of MurNAc
    namH Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lysozyme resistance Raymond et al. (65)
β-Lactam resistance Raymond et al. (65)
Promotes host cytokine responses Coulombe et al. (13)

The first gene identified is listed first in each category, with the percent sequence similarity over the enzymatic domains listed next to the other genes.


O-acetylation genes were separated based on Gram strain reaction, because Gram-negative organisms use two proteins to acetylate MurNAc wherease Gram-positive organisms use a single protein.