Fig. 8.
Hepatic carnitine concentrations in mice. Mean ± SD of 6 mice per group. Values with different superscripts are significantly different by ANOVA with Duncan's multiple range test at P < 0.05. NF; non fasting, F; fasting for 3 days, FRF1; fasting for 3 days and then refeeding pfor 4 days repeated once, FRF2; fasting for 3 days and then refeeding for 4 days repeated twice, FRF3; fasting for 3 days and then refeeding for 4 days repeated three times. NEC; nonesterified carnitine, ASAC; acid-soluble acylcarnitine, AIAC; acid-insoluble acylcarnitine, TCNE: total carnitine, Acyl/Free; (ASAC+AIAC)/NEC