Fig. 6.
Cholinergic lesions increase the proportion of posterior parietal cortex (PPC) neurons responsive to the visual distractor. (A) Population of neurons that are significantly activated when the distractor light is off. (B) Distribution of significant correlates for pre-lesion and post-lesion sessions. The distractor activates 40/208 neurons prior to infusion of 192-IgG saporin. The peak activation of this population took place 20 ms after the distractor light was turned off. Following cholinergic deafferentation, a greater proportion of PPC neurons are activated by the off phase of the distractor (52/167, 31%; (χ2 = 20.32, P < 0.05), and fewer neurons are activated by the signal light. In both graphs, neurons that have mixed correlates are activated by both the signal and the distractor.