Transcriptional control of TGFβ by the ΔNp63γ isoform. A, ChIP for p63 binding to TGFβ-1 intron 1. B, qRT-PCR analysis of p63 chromatin-immunoprecipitates from MCF10A cells. C, qRT-PCR analysis of TGFβ-1, TGFβ-2, and TGFβ-3 mRNA expression levels in MCF10A cells depleted of p53, all isoforms of p63 (DBD) or only p63α and β (UTR). D, Western blotting of H1299 cells transiently transfected with pΔN63 isoforms, showing expression of pΔN63 isoforms (protein loading, mouse anti-actin antibody). E, qRT-PCR analysis of TGFβ-1, TGFβ-2, and TGFβ-3 mRNA expression levels in H1299 cells transiently transfected with different ΔNp63 isoforms, showing that only ΔNp63γ transcriptionally activated the TGFβ promoters. All experiments were carried out in triplicate, and three independent studies were performed. Paired t tests were performed (C and E), and significant differences with respect to the control, SCR, are shown (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.001).