Figure 5.
(A) ∂a/∂t versus a for an isolated cell with h = 0 or u ≫ U. At low Aa bistability exists even when h=0. At high Aa there is no bistability. At intermediate values bistability can exist for some amount of external activation. (B) Steady states of a as a function of the input . (C) Steady states of a including the effects of self-u (see Eq. 9), plotted as a function of the activating input ḡ(h). The cell is assumed to receive negligible u from other cells. As Au decreases, the high steady state eventually becomes completely inaccessible to cells starting from a=0, even when h is very large. Parameters: G = 1; na = 4. In (C), Aa = 0.35; U = 0.0001; nu = 8; mu = 8.