Figure 3.
BLA stimulation evokes excitatory responses in the PL/IL cortex of BLA → PL/IL (+) neurons. The figure shows different parameters of BLA-evoked excitation, including the onset, the frequency and the duration of excitation, in sham and SNI rats treated for 7 days with vehicle (veh) or AA-5-HT (5 mg/kg, i.p.). "A", "B" and "C" show a representative ratemater record of a BLA → PL/IL (+) neurons of sham/veh, SNI/veh and SNI/AA-5-HT rat. "D","E" and F show the onset, onset, the frequency and the duration (mean ± SEM) of the excitation, respectively, in the different groups of rats. * indicates statistically significant difference versus sham/veh and º versus SNI/veh. P < 0.05 was considered as value of significance and n = 10 was used for each group.