Figure 2.
SLP-76 is necessary for TCR-mediated signaling in memory CD8+ T cells. (A) Two weeks after tamoxifen treatment, whole-spleen suspensions from cHET and cKO mice were stimulated in vitro. All plots are gated on CD8+CD44hi cells. Numbers in the top right quadrant show the relative percentage of cells in each gate. Data are representative of 2 experiments. (B) Lymphocytes from cHET and cKO mice were isolated from peripheral blood longitudinally and analyzed by multicolor flow cytometry. The number of naive (CD8+CD44loYFP+) T cells in the peripheral blood was calculated longitudinally as described in “Quantification of T lymphocytes from peripheral blood.” The shaded area represents the time of tamoxifen administration. Each time point shows a mean and standard deviation derived from a total of 6 cHET and 8 cKO mice in 2 separate experiments.