Identification of Cdc20p degrons. (A) Location of destruction boxes, KEN and GxEN motifs, in Cdc20p. Amino acid substitutions corresponding to the mutations generated are shown below the sequence. (B) Cdc20p deleted for either Db1 or GxEN is destroyed during meiosis with the same kinetics as wild type. Wild-type cells (RSY335) harboring the Cdc20p-18myc centromere plasmids indicated (see Supplemental Table S3 for details) were induced to enter meiosis and samples taken at the time points shown for Western analysis. The blots were stripped and reprobed for Tub1p as a loading control. (C) Cdc20p utilizes two degrons (Db1 and GxEN) for its destruction during meiosis. Cells were treated as described above except that Cdc20p harbored the mutations indicated.