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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Feb 16.
Published in final edited form as: Brain Res. 2010 Dec 17;1374:63–72. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2010.12.035

Table 3.

Clusters of unique positive correlations between fMRI activity and 0.05-0.099 Hz EEG spectral power.

Region of Interest Cluster size (voxels) Peak t score x y z
 Anterior Midline (Crus) 43,779 32.7 −6 −45 −20
Thalamus, Basal Ganglia, Brainstem
 Thalamus/Striatum/Midbrain 6,049 7.8 −8 −9 6
 Pallidum 202 3.4 25 −5 2
 Caudate (body) 122 3.7 −19 −21 23
 Hippocampus/Parahippo Gyrus 343 4.4 19 −24 −8
Neocortex (unimodal)
 Pre/Postcentral Gyrus 1,148 6.1 42 −15 30
 Inferior Temporal Gyrus 1,119 12.5 −46 −39 −23
 Inferior/Middle Temporal Gyrus 247 6.0 −32 1 −34
 Fusiform Gyrus 332 6.8 −25 −89 −11
 Middle/Superior Temporal Gyrus 159 4.7 43 −5 −10
 Lingual Gyrus 153 4.2 −12 −92 −17
 Cuneus 107 4.3 −7 −93 19
Neocortex (heteromodal)
 Gyrus Rectus 705 4.9 −6 21 −13
 Supramarginal Gyrus 300 5.0 −40 −31 28
 Inferior Frontal Gyrus 221 4.2 −48 14 3
 Middle Temporal Gyrus 169 4.4 54 −33 −9
 Temporal Pole 114 4.8 29 18 −32
 Orbitofrontal Cortex 109 4.8 12 49 −13
 Orbitofrontal Cortex 102 6.2 5 63 −3

Coordinates in Talairach space (Left/Right, Posterior/Anterior, Inferior/Superior negative/positive convention) were determined by the centers of mass within the clusters of significant voxels from the final, masked dataset. Voxel size is 1.0 mm3. Clusters less than 100 voxels were excluded and correlations of note that are not included were Medial Thalamus (98 voxels, t = 4.1, x = −1, y = −24, z = 13), Ventrolateral Thalamus (33 voxels, t = 3.8, x = 20, y = −11, z = 13), and Parahippocampal Gyrus (39 voxels, t = 4.0, x = −13, y = −17, z = −22).