Table 3.
Size | Province | Jurisdiction for mental health | Budget authority | Network governance model | Network governance mechanism | Social power |
Rural | ||||||
A | Ontario | Provincial: Delegated1 | Provincial | Mutual adjustment | Executive Commitee2 | Influence |
B | Alberta | Regional: Devolved | Regional | Corporate | Executive Committee3 | Authority |
Small urban | ||||||
C | New Brunswick | Regional: Devolved | Mental Health Network | Corporate | Executive Committee | Authority |
Mid-size urban | ||||||
D | Quebec | Sub-regional: Deconcentrated | Regional | Alliance | Table de concertation | Negotiation |
E | Quebec | Sub-regional: Deconcentrated | Regional | Alliance | Table de concertation | Negotiation |
F | Ontario | Provincial: Delegated1 | Provincial | Alliance | Executive Committee | Negotiation |
Large urban | ||||||
G | Quebec | Sub-regional: Deconcentrated | Regional | Mutual adjustment | Table de concertation | Influence |
H | Ontario | Provincial: Delegated1 | Provincial | Mutual adjustment | None | Influence |
I | Ontario | Provincial: Delegated1 | Provincial | Mutual adjustment | None | Influence |
J | Alberta | Regional: Devolved | Regional | Corporate | Executive Committee | Authority |
1Delegated to the Ministry regional office.
2An executive committee functions at a sub-network level. Network A: Community services only; Network H: Centralized case management services only.
3In addition to the Executive Team, governance occurred through an Integration Steering Committee, several Integrated Service Teams, and a Joint Director responsible for all mental health services, a position that was put in place prior to the transferred of authority for mental health services to the Regional Health Authority.