Figure 2.
CaspaTag staining of saponin-enriched Plasmodium falciparum parasites shows the activation of cysteine proteases after incubation with drugs. (a) Percentage of CaspaTag-positive cells pretreated with vehicle control, 10 μM 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4HT) or 50 μM z-VAD-fmk (zVAD) and subjected to 8 h treatment with vehicle control , 30 μM chloroquine
or 10 μM of staurosporine
. In each experiment, the full set of treatment conditions were carried out concurrently with the same batch of cells. Data represent means±S.E. (AvB, AvC, BvG, AvD, CvF and BvE, P<0.001; N=3) (b) Fluorescent microscopy and (c) flow cytometry histograms show the increase in proportion of CaspaTag-positive cells after chloroquine treatment, with and without 30 min preincubation with zVAD or 4HT