Table 3.
Summary of the NMR constraints used in the TonB2 CTD structural calculation, as well as the restraint violations and structural statistics for the 20 lowest-energy conformers calculated in CYANA
Parameter | Value |
Cross-peaks | |
With off-diagonal assignment | 2330 |
With unique assignment | 1795 |
With short-range assignment, |i−j|<=1 | 1530 |
With medium-range assignment, 1<|i−j|<5 | 200 |
With long-range assignment, |i−j|>=5 | 600 |
Upper distance limits | |
Total | 1519 |
Short-range, |i−j|<=1 | 702 |
Medium-range, 1<|i−j|<5 | 186 |
Long-range, |i−j|> = 5 | 631 |
Torsion-angle restraints | |
H-bond restraints | |
Distance restraint violations [> 0.01 nm (0.1 Å)] | 17 |
Angle restraint violations (> 5°) | 0 |
Average target function value | 2.93 ± 0.22 |
RMSD (residues 121-202) | |
Average backbone RMSD to mean [nm (Å)] | 0.049 ± 0.010 (0.49 ± 0.10) |
Average heavy atom RMSD to mean [nm (Å)] | 0.940 ± 0.008 (0.94 ± 0.08) |
Ramachandran analysis (residues 19–106) | |
Residues in most favoured regions | 69.9% |
Residues in additionally allowed regions | 26.5% |
Residues in generously allowed regions | 0.3% |
Residues in disallowed regions | 0.4% |