Figure 7.
The commonality and uniqueness of significantly differentially expressed genes (A and B) and macrophage activation genes (C and D) in lungs (A and C) and livers (B and D) from 9 V/null and 4L mice. Venn diagrams show the absolute number of differentially expressed genes in 9 V/null or 4L tissues. Among the differentially expressed genes, 729 in lung (A) and 217 in liver (B) were common to 9 V/null and 4L mice. In comparison, the uniquely expressed genes in 9 V/null or 4L lungs were 442 or 646, respectively; and 185 or 189 in 9 V/null or 4L livers. In (C and D) the Venn diagrams represent the number of differentially expressed macrophage activation genes in 9 V/null and 4L lungs (C) and livers (D). Among these genes, 56 in lungs and 13 in livers were found common to 9 V/null and 4L mice. The numbers of uniquely expressed genes in 9 V/null or 4L lungs were 63 or 27, respectively; 13 or 11 in 9 V/null or 4L livers. The expression values of these genes are in Additional file 4.