Figure 7.
SOM clustering of tissue- and cell-type data. (A) Regions in the SOM for cell-type data as defined by k-means clustering. (B–F) Expression patterns of genes from selected clusters in the SOM. Cell types are indicated at bottom, and reference samples are shaded in gray. Box plots were generated from the mean-centered log2-expression values of prototypical genes for a given cell type with horizontal lines indicating the median, boxes delineating the interquartile range, and whiskers extending to the most extreme values within 1.5 times the median-quartile range; outliers are depicted as black crosses. Some of the SOM clusters correspond to peaked expression in a subset of cell types and/or developmental stages: (B) higher expression in larval stages and YA compared with embryo with a prominent peak for intestine, (C) elevated expression in L3/L4 reference, (D) high expression in LE neurons, (E) most neurons, and (F) intestine (for SOM component planes and additional clusters, see Supplemental Figs. S22 and S23).