Figure 6.
Somatotropes from mutant mice fail to respond to leptin. A and B, Freshly dispersed (A) or overnight cultures (B) of pituitary cells from male (A) or female (B) mice were treated with leptin, and the cells were dual labeled for pSTAT3 and GH. Counts in control animals showed that leptin stimulated a significant increase in the percentages of GH cells (P < 0.04) and in the percentage of GH cells expressing pSTAT3 (P < 0.001) after 15 min (A) or 30 min (B) (star). In contrast, somatotropes in deletion mutants from both groups show significantly reduced numbers of GH cells (P < 0.001, asterisks), little or no expression of pSTAT3, and no responses to leptin. C–E, Fields showing dual labeling for pSTAT3 (black) as punctate on nuclei (arrows) and that for GH as orange. One of the pSTAT3-expressing somatotropes in C is circled and magnified in D. F and G, Two somatotropes from deletion mutants showing orange label for GH but no labeling for pSTAT3.