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. 2011 Feb 3;342:c7297. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c7297

Table 3.

 Participants’ profile for primary analysis period spanning onset of illness from week 45 (8 November 2009) to week 48 (5 December 2009). Values are numbers (column percentages)

Covariates Pandemic H1N1 test negative control (n=343) Pandemic H1N1 test positive case (n=209) Overall (n=552)
Age category:
 6 months to 9 years 71 (21) 50 (24) 121 (22)
 10-19 years 56 (16) 40 (19) 96 (17)
 20-49 years 148 (43) 97 (46) 245 (44)
 50-64 years 47 (14) 20 (10) 67 (12)
 ≥65 years 21 (6) 2 (1) 23 (4)
Median (range) age (years) 27 (<1-88) 22 (<1-68) 24 (<1-88)
Female sex 200 (58) 93 (45) 293 (53)
Chronic conditions 80 (23) 35 (17) 115 (21)
 Alberta 66 (19) 30 (14) 96 (17)
 British Columbia 133 (39) 76 (36) 209 (38)
 Ontario 31 (9) 2 (1) 33 (6)
 Quebec 113 (33) 101 (48) 214 (39)
Pandemic H1N1 vaccinated* 58 (17) 2 (1) 60 (11)
2009-10 seasonal vaccine:
 Not vaccinated 297 (93) 191 (97) 488 (94)
 Vaccinated 24 (7) 5 (3) 29 (6)
2008-9 seasonal vaccine:
 Not vaccinated 213 (72) 158 (84) 371 (77)
 Vaccinated† 83 (28) 29 (16) 112 (23)
Specimen collection interval:
 ≤4 days after illness onset 297 (87) 190 (91) 487 (88)
 5-7 days after illness onset 46 (13) 19 (9) 65 (12)
 Median (range) days 2 (0-7) 2 (0-7) 2 (0-7)
Pandemic H1N1 vaccination by age:
 6 months to 9 years 22/71 (31) 1/50 (2) 23/121 (19)
 10-19 years 3/56 (5) 0/40 (0) 3/96 (3)
 20-49 years 21/148 (14) 1/97 (1) 22/245 (9)
 50-64 years 11/47 (23) 0/20 (0) 11/67 (16)
 ≥65 years 1/21 (5) 0/2 (0) 1/23 (4)
Chronic conditions by age:
 6 months to 9 years 11/71 (15) 6/50 (12) 17/121 (14)
 10-19 years 8/56 (14) 9/40 (23) 17/96 (18)
 20-49 years 29/148 (20) 12/97 (12) 41/245 (17)
 50-64 years 18/47 (38) 7/20 (35) 25/67 (37)
 ≥65 years 14/21 (67) 1/2 (50) 15/23 (65)
With chronic conditions:
 Not pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 59 (74) 34 (97) 93 (81)
 Pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 21 (26) 1 (3) 22 (19)
Without chronic conditions:
 Not pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 226 (86) 173 (99) 399 (91)
 Pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 37 (14) 1 (1) 38 (9)
Interval to specimen collection ≤4 days:
 Not pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 251 (85) 188 (99) 439 (90)
 Pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 46 (15) 2 (1) 48 (10)
Interval to specimen collection 5-7 days:
 Not pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 34 (74) 19 (100) 53 (82)
 Pandemic H1N1 vaccinated 12 (26) 0 (0) 12 (18)

*Received vaccine ≥2 weeks before onset of illness; excludes from numerator and denominator those immunised <2 weeks before onset.

†Excludes children too young to have received 2008-9 seasonal vaccine.