Figure 5. Identification of 4-hydroxy-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (HPB).
A. Capillary LC-UV chromatogram (210–300 nm) of reaction mixture after 1 h. electrolysis (−650 mV vs. SCE at 4°C) using P450 2E1/CPR+b5 LbL films on carbon cloth (2 cm2) in 2 mM NNK in aerobic pH 7.0 + 0.1 M NaCl. The HPB peak was identified using commercial HPB standard (Table 2); B. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-MS/MS chromatogram monitoring HPB mass transition from m/z 166.1 ([M+H]+) to m/z 79.2 (pyridine fragment); C. Product ion spectrum of HPB (m/z 166.1) with inserted fragmentation pattern.