Table 1.
Similarities and differences between women who met criteria for subthreshold or threshold anorexia nervosaa
Study | Main findings |
Santonastaso, 2009 | Excessive exercise- more likely in subthreshold (no A) than threshold |
Thomas, 2009 | Overall eating disorder pathology- similar in subthreshold (no A) and threshold Comorbid psychiatric disorders- similar in subthreshold (no A) and threshold |
Becker, 2009; Thomas, 2009 | Overall eating disorder pathology- lower in subthreshold (no B) than threshold |
Thomas, 2009 | Comorbid psychiatric disorders- similar in subthreshold (no B) and threshold |
Cachelin, 1998 | Body image concerns- similar in subthreshold (no D) and threshold |
Cachelin, 1998; Dalle Grave, 2008; Gendall, 2006; Thomas, 2009 |
Comorbid psychiatric disorders- similar in subthreshold (no D) and threshold |
Thomas, 2009 | Overall eating disorder pathology- similar in subthreshold (no D) and threshold |
Dalle Grave, 2008 | Self-induced vomiting- more likely in subthreshold (no D) than threshold Binge eating- more likely in subthreshold (no D) than threshold |
Dalle Grave, 2008; Gendall, 2006 | Excessive exercise- less likely in subthreshold (no D) than threshold |
Dalle Grave, 2008 | Lowest body mass index- higher in subthreshold (noD) than threshold |
Garfinkel, 1996 | Lowest body mass index- similar in subthreshold (no D) and threshold |
Gendall, 2006 | Persistence- lower in subthreshold (no D) than threshold Smoking- higher in subthreshold (no D) than threshold |
Gendall, 2006; Santonastaso, 2009 | Novelty seeking- higher in subthreshold (no D) than threshold |
Santonastaso, 2009 | Anxiety- more likely in subthreshold (no D) than threshold Obsessionality- more likely in subthreshold (no D) than threshold |
Subthreshold definitions indicated by which criterion was relaxed; no A = did not meet Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criterion A (low weight); no B= did not meet DSM-IV criterion B (fear of weight gain at low weight); no D= did not meet DSM-IV criterion D (amenorrhea)