Fig. 3.
Effect of apelin-13 on neuronal ROS production. ROS levels were detected using the fluorogenic probe, DHE, as described under Materials and Methods. A to C, neurons that were treated under the following conditions: neurons in normal optical phase (A); fluorescence micrograph of the same neurons in A, loaded with DHE (B); and fluorescence micrograph of neurons treated with apelin-13 (100 nM) (C). Bar = 10 μm. D to F, neurons that were treated under the following conditions: neurons in normal optical phase (D); fluorescence micrograph of the same neurons in D treated with gp91ds-tat (GP, 5 μM) (E); and fluorescence micrograph of neurons treated with GP plus apelin-13 (100 nM) (F). G, bar graphs summarizing ethidium fluorescence intensity before and after treatment with apelin-13 (APLN, 100 nM). Data are mean ± S.E.; fluorescence intensity from 20 neurons in each group. They are derived from three experiments and at least three dishes in each experiment. H, bar graphs summarizing fluorescence intensity before and after treatment with apelin-13 (APLN, 100 nM) in the presence of GP (5 μM) or scrambled-gp91ds (Scra, 5 μM). Data are mean ± S.E. (n = 15 neurons in each group). *, significantly different from control (PBS, P < 0.01). #, significantly different from cells treated with apelin-13 plus scrambled control (P < 0.05).