Effects of various doses of cocaine and N-substituted BZT analogs in rats trained to discriminate injections of cocaine (10 mg/kg) from saline at various times after injection. Ordinates at the top indicate percentage of responses on the cocaine-appropriate key, and ordinates at the bottom indicate the rates at which responses were emitted (as a percentage of response rates after saline administration). Abscissae: drug dose in milligram per kilogram (log scale). Each point represents the effect in six rats. ●, the effects of cocaine, reproduced in each for reference. ○, the effects obtained with the drug injected 5 min before testing. △, the effects obtained with the drug injected 60 min before testing. □, the effects obtained with the drug injected 90 min before testing. ▽, the effects obtained with the drug injected 2 h before testing. ♢, the effects obtained with the drug injected 3 h before testing.