Table 3.
Information that may be required by REBs | n | % |
Statement that new information about the study will be provided* | 13 | 30% |
Identification of qualified representative to explain research | 38 | 88% |
Identification of appropriate resources outside research team for ethical issues | 41 | 95% |
Explanation of procedures of confidentiality and access to research data | 43 | 100% |
Who has access to data | 35 | 81% |
Modalities for the storage of the data | 34 | 79% |
Confidentiality in the dissemination of research | 31 | 74% |
Disclaimer of non-guarantee of confidentiality | 30 | 70% |
Explicit statements about non-guarantee of confidentiality | 15 | 35% |
Implied non-guarantee of confidentiality | 28 | 65% |
Description of the methods to protect confidentiality of data | 12 | 28% |
Description of circumstances for termination of subjects participation | 18 | 42% |
No reason needed | 15 | 35% |
Subject's best interest | 5 | 12% |
Subject is unable or unwilling to comply with study protocol | 3 | 7% |
Description of study compensation*** | 39 | 91% |
Explanation of the ways in which results will be published | 29 | 67% |
Ways research will be published | 25 | 58% |
Subject access to published results | 11 | 26% |
* Information that may be required based on Table 1 of the TCPS (Section D, 2.6)
Categories highlighted in bold indicate a general category of information of the Canadian Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS). Other rows report how consent forms dealt with the general conditions. We did not include items 5, 8 and 9 of Table 1 of the TCPS since they concern randomization and biomedical procedures and trials.
**New information about the study conveyed to subject if likely to change subject's decision to participate.
***See breakdown data in the text.