28 day iPSC-derived organoids were analyzed for a, villin (VIL) and the goblet cell marker mucin (MUC2), b, the paneth cell marker lysozyme (LYSO) or c, the endocrine cell marker chromogranin A (CGA). d, Electron micrograph showing an enterocyte cell with a characteristic brush border with microvilli (inset). e, Epithelial uptake of the fluorescently labeled dipeptide d-Ala-Lys-AMCA (arrowheads) indicating a functional peptide transport system. f-h, Adenoviral expression of Neurog3 (pAd-NEUROG3) causes a 5-fold increase in CGA+ cells compared to a GFP control (pAd-GFP); (n=4 biological samples);*(p=0.005). i-k, Organoids were generated from hESCs that were stably transduced with shRNA-expressing lentiviral vectors. Compared to control shRNA organoids, NEUROG3 shRNA organoids had a 95% reduction in the number of CgA+ cells; (n=3 for shRNA controls and n=5 for Neurog3-shRNA); *(p=0.018). Error bars for h,k are S.E.M.